Above you will find blog links to all the MA projects that I am currently studying.

Pieces of work in current page are my personal practicing.

Monday, March 12, 2012

When the moon miss the sun : short comic

This story is my final short comic in Let's Comic Camp #1.

The sun shines at day. Even he has a lady cloud as a friend but she always moves away.

The moon shines at night. Even she has a little star as a friend but he does not have enough light to impress her.

Each has heard the rumor about the charming of one another.

The story begun when the moon has shouted loudly across the sky that she needed to meet the sun.
The sun left his task with a little meteor and came cross the earth to see the moon. Both of them were happy but this seriously caused an effect on the planet and lives. 

Finally, they have learned to please with what they originally have.

NB : I painted this story with watercolor.

 The storyboard

 Drafted version

Monday, March 5, 2012

Animal's Matching with Contents

This is an assignment of Human Computer Interface subject.

Title is "Redesign the contents". 

Since www.ku.ac.th contained too much contents and links, the task of this assignment is to design on how to reduce the contents and make it easier to use for users.

I had listed up seven links that most useful for users and proposed the concept "Animal's Matching with Contents"

By that concept, I match the task of each links to the nature of each animal.
Therefore, the users will not have to wasted their time by searching or remembering the name of links.
Just click on animals icons which are the images that are commonly defined by and familiar to users.

Moreover, the new website following this concept will have only necessary text and focus on visual memory of users.
Redesign the homepage www.regis.ku.ac.th.
Users are able to access each links by click on the figure of animal or icons below the page.

A cat, image of carefully and cautiously thinking.https://www.course.ku.ac.th - students manage their assignment of each course.

A lion,an image of a leader in socializing skill, good communication and dealing with others / many experiences from doing activities.
https://nisit.ku.ac.th - students manage activities they have done.

A monkey,image of curious animal
https://kits.ku.ac.th - reserve internet room to enjoy surfing online world.

A pigeon ,image of a transporting and communication.

A puddle,a pet of high society girls who like to chat and critic others.
https://eassess.ku.ac.th- students evaluate the teachers.

A worm ,image of a bookworm, eager to gain knowledge.
https://www.regis.ku.ac.th-register the courses for students.

An owl- image of a teacher.
https://grade.ku.ac.th - teachers give grade for students.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Pixel art character design


It is a game which is an assignment of CG subject.

Artworks are my role in this assignment.

I painted color in the intro story of the game. I designed and illustrated the logo , introduction panel and background of the game.
Intro-story No.1 : In the faraway hill. There are two flowers as friends.

Intro-story No.2 : One day, both of them felt into a poison pool
Intro-story No.3 : They contaminated from the poison that caused them many white spoton their beautiful body.

Intro-story No.4 : They heard that there was only one holy dew at the top of the hill.
Intro-story No.5 : They started fighting each others for the sake of the holy dew.